Aquaponics Library - Water Purification

Aquaponics Library


Water Purification

Bio Denitrator: An excellent product for removing solid(s) waste from Aquatic Environs.
Bio Denitrator is a powdered bacterial preparation that works in both freshwater and marine aquariums. Our blend contains over twenty strains of bacteria that do different tasks from nitrate removal, to breaking down proteins. Bio Denitrator is also a very effective sludge remover. Bio Denitrator works hand in hand with Bio Booster to rapidly complete colonization of the bacterial bed in freshwater and marine systems.

Constructed Wetlands to Remove Nitrate-Nitrogen from Subsurface Cropland Drainage
Nitrate-nitrogen in subsurface drainage from corn and soybeans commonly exceeds the 10-ppm drinking water standard. Plant uptake and denitrification have the potential to significantly reduce nitrate concentrations if this drainage is routed through wetlands having mature stands of aquatic vegetation.

Welcome to the Department of Environmental Technology at Linn-Benton Community College. We provide education, training and professional resources in the fields of water treatment and supply, wastewater collection and treatment, and public utility operation and maintenance.

Green Pages - Classification Index  

Hydrotech® manufactures an extensive line of products to meet your water treatment needs.
hydro technology

ZENON Environmental Inc. is a global leader in advanced membrane technologies for water purification, wastewater treatment and water recycle. ZENON's complete ... Description: Membrane technologies for water purification, wastewater treatment and water recycling. Technologies...

Wetland plant nursery. Wetland plants. Aquatic Plants. Restoration of aquatic and riparian environments. Created wetlands for wildlife enhancement. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.
Aquatic ecological consulting.

Tank Culture of Tilapia by James E. Rakocy*
Tank culture of tilapia is a good al-ternative to pond or cage culture if sufficient water or land is not available and the economics are favorable. Tilapia grow well at high densities in the confinement of tanks when good water quality is maintained.

This software and related material (data and (or) documentation) are made available by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to be used in the public interest and in the advancement of science. You may, without any fee or cost, use, copy, modify, or distribute this software, and any derivative works thereof, and its supporting documentation, subject to the USGS software

Texas Cooperative Extension publishes research-based educational information to help people improve their lives and communities. Extension publications are available on agriculture, gardening and landscaping, food and nutrition,health, the family, economics, and the environment. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF documents.
Texas Cooperative Extension publishes  

Wastewater Treatment from mechanical bar screening to UV disinfection.

Wetland plant nursery. Wetland plants. Aquatic Plants. Restoration of aquatic
and riparian environments. Created wetlands for wildlife enhancement. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.
Aquatic ecological consulting. 

Water Management
"when something so fundamental as water becomes scarce, only fundamental responses will suffice. delaying action simply increases the risk that farmers and crops will be left hight and dry."

Water Purification for Whole House